Why to clean? For years we have been eating a diet based on products that are not what our physiology requires.
Years of cereals, dairy, animal and refined products, sugar, junk food and whatever each of us has consumed along the way.
Cleansing is an act of self-love. It is an act of recognizing that we have to take a different path. It involves a commitment and, very often, a great effort.
Changing habits can be challenging, probably a lonely path, where we are not understood. Because there’s still not enough awareness of the way in which we live.
However, if you feel this way, you are on the right path because you are shifting the whole paradigm.
Colonic cleansing could be the first step. By cleaning the intestines with warm water, we can remove old adhesions in the colon, encrustations that could not be released by autointoxication, by constipation, by ingestions that our body was incapable of eliminating. Yes, that builds up and may never come out, unless you cleanse your colon.
The cleansing is called colon hydrotherapy or colonic irrigation and is done in places that have the equipment and a trained therapist.
Three sessions in three days in a row are recommended if it is your first time, and it frees you from a lot of accumulation, physical and emotional, and gives space for a new way of living. It gives space and desire to change, to be healthier, it makes us aware of what our body takes in and can’t take out.
There is certain preparation that is recommended to do before the process. Three days before is good to have a diet based on smoothies or liquid foods, so that everything that is adhered to the walls of the intestines is loosened and the process is much more effective. We want to remove everything that does not serve us! So let’s seize the moment!
It is said that the gut flora is washed out. That is why is recommend taking probiotics afterwards, although I have also read that the flora is not affected or that it regenerates itself quickly. I took the probiotics anyway.
The cleansing itself consists of lying down on a special table, putting a thin cannula in your anus (with a lot of vaseline, so it goes through very quickly) through which the water is irrigated. This cannula is connected to a water tank at body temperature. Once the cannula is in place, the tap is turned on and the water starts flowing through your guts for about an hour. And it’s a journey! It’s good to massage yourself, to help your body, to connect with what you want to let go of, physically, emotionally and mentally. In the end, it is a therapy.
After the cleansing you feel a relief and a lightness that I can’t explain, you just have to try it. There are no side effects, you come out of there as if you just went to the bathroom and go on your way home.
Afterwards, you have to be careful with your diet because the intestines remain quite sensitive, keep on with smoothies, and little by little incorporate other foods.
The next step in the process could be the deep hepatic cleansing. The liver and the gallbladder are very important organs, which purify the blood, metabolize fats and are usually overloaded. With this overload they function, with luck, at 20% of their capacity.
Cleansing the liver releases anger, frustrations and rage. It allows to metabolize fats, improves digestion, vision, vitality. For the process of elimination to be safe and effective, the intestines must first be cleared, since this is the way to evacuate any waste. That is, cleaning the liver releases through the intestine, i.e., poop.
The hepatic cleansing process consists of a six-day preparation program based on eating 1.5 kg of apples per day. On the 7th and 8th is completed by taking magnesium sulphate and olive oil with grapefruit. In exact quantities and methodically. Then the elimination happens, and the body is grateful. Afterwards, it is recommended to do a last colonic flush to make sure that there is nothing left in the intestinal tract that could cause toxicity.
The process then takes about 10 days.
What can be eliminated? Stones of different colors, foam, and different materials lodged in the liver.
It is said that it takes at least 6 liver cleanses of this type to eliminate everything we accumulated on our lifetime. Clearly it will depend on the person, their habits and the path they are on. Some need more and others less. But one thing for sure is that we all need a deep cleansing.
Both colonic and liver cleansing should be accompanied by a diet as physiological and simple as possible: juices, smoothies, fruits, vegetables and seeds. Preferably nothing else. They should be done with consciousness and a lot of willingness.
Each one feels when it is the right moment. Some of us dare to do it alone after much research and others need an accompaniment due to their state of toxemia and health.
In any case, these are processes that everyone can do. No one is exempt. By the type of food we normalize, we all have residues that are worth eliminating. Our digestive system is as important as our brain and yet it is very polluted.
If all our intestines were cleaned then we would be a different society. For sure more aware, more empathetic and more loving.
In my case, I felt it was time after having a health crisis at the end of the year. I started to be very conscious of what I was eating and I started to feel much better. I felt that I wanted to go deeper and I am very grateful that I did. Today I feel like I have fewer vices, improved my habits and added many new ones, all of which make me feel in harmony with my health. I became aware of years of autointoxication through the consumption of refined foods, gluten, sugar, alcohol and tobacco from my adolescence and even some drugs.
If you are interested in more information, I recommend you to read Andrea Moritz’s book, “The amazing liver and gallbladder cleansing” (where the complete protocol is) and also the book “Tissue cleansing” by Bernard Jensen.
You can also contact me to discuss the subject and to accompany you in this path.
I send you a big hug and thank you for reading me!