What is the Matristic? Many of my readings led me, accidentally, to topics related to…
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Cleanse the organs to nourish body, mind and spirit
Why to clean? For years we have been eating a diet based on products that…
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Actively Pursue Pleasure and Purpose
Every day focus on appreciating and pursuing what brings you pleasure and joy. You will…
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Forgiveness frees us. It heals our bodies and our lives. Forgiveness does not mean that…
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Work with your body
Much of what happens to us is blocked in our body, our muscles and other…
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The spiral of the ovulatory menstrual cycle
The word “cycle” denotes movement, something that changes, that flows, that moves and returns to…
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Travelling as a lifestyle
To travel is to move my body, to get out of my comfort zone, out…
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Rest, pause and regeneration
A good rest is essential to regenerate our body, our tissues and our nervous system.…
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Listen to and respect your body
Learning to listen to and respect your body is a process that takes time and…
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The boobs
Today I’m here to talk to you about boobs and share some information with you.…
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